Neighbor Approved Esprit Park Renovation Plans
The Esprit Park renovation plans were done by Fletcher Studio, in partnership with the SF Planning Department, after multiple community events, surveys, and stakeholder meetings. The consensus within the community is that the original vision and character of the park should be preserved, as an urban oasis with a lush uninterrupted meadow. The health of the park, sustainability, and its ability to address climate change were key concerns. The designs incorporate neighbor feedback on features such as unstructured universal play for all ages, water fountains, lighting, and mobility. Also agreed upon was restricting unleashed dog play to one side of the park, while leaving the other side with on-leash or no-dog restrictions, and using natural low-profile designators to keep the meadow’s seamless look as intact as possible. This allows historic use of the park to continue, while maintaining its multi-purpose and community-centric design.
Rec & Park Plans
Rec & Park designs fence half of the park and convert it into a dog run, excluding park users without a dog and dog owners with children. The plans remove grass from half of the park and replace it with plastic, artificial turf. The fencing around the dog run means that dog walkers, many of them with 8-10 dogs per person, would be able to use the park, whereas a lack of fencing means they cannot.