Calling all artists: We’d like to create an illustrated scavenger hunt for Esprit that parents can print out and use as a guided enrichment activity. It would include flora and fauna found at Esprit like Robin, Hummingbird, Magnolia Tree, Bee, Park Bench etc. If you would like to donate your time and skill to this effort, please email us at
With its lush open field, large variety of flora and fauna, and exercise equipment that doubles as play gyms - Esprit is a great place for city kids to get in some unstructured outdoor time.
We’re actively working to restrict off leash dog play to one side of the park, so that kids who prefer to stay away can have a safe zone. In the upcoming renovation plans, families were consulted to come up with solutions for child play and safety, including universal play nodes in exercise zones with ample barriers (both natural and artificial) to shield the people using them.
Why isn’t there a playground at Esprit?
Well, for one thing an official play ground requires a stringent set of rules and regulations that would complicate the renovation and approval process. Also, there are plenty of structured playground options within walking distance from Esprit (Woods Yard on 22nd st, Mariposa Park on Mariposa, Jackson Park, Mission Bay Park to name a few), but there aren’t a lot of unstructured natural play options. We pride Esprit as a place where kids can play in the dirt, smell flowers, play hide and seek among the trees, and interact with nature in an urban environment.